Tuesday, November 9, 2010

This is an outfit I wore to The Avenue of Star's, Hong Kong. It was something simple and easy to wear! Very summer-y too, which is why I decided to post this outfit! It's been getting really cold here and I am missing summer so much! I swear I don't mind sweating abit right now LOL I'll be doing a blog post about my visit to the Avenue of Stars after, so I wont be posting any pictures from there yet. Although I did change some of the outfit, I didn't have white tights on (else I would have had an heat stroke) and at the time I didn't have a lace vest yet, which is a nice addition to the outfit! &Excuse some of my weird poses. I feel like I'm not creative enough these days.. =.=
Floral Tank Top - Forever21 - $14 USD?
Lace vest - TaiShan boutique - 40 RMB
Button skirt - Blue Notes - $15 CAD
Straw Hat - TaiShan Boutique - 20 RMB

Bye for now! I'll try my best to update you guys about my adventure in Hong Kong; Avenue of Stars real soon! I just hope my work load for school isn't too heavy for the next couple of days!

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