Friday, November 12, 2010

Hong Kong: Avenue of Stars

The Avenue of Stars is located along Victoria Harbour, in Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong. This is one of the last places I visited before going back to Canada. :) To be honest, I thought the place was going to be really long, i guess I was wrong. ): While I was there, it was not busy and there were mostly couples there. It was SOO HOT there! I was sweating like crazy, so don't mind the way I look in some of the pictures. Aha! Also, sad to say I don't know many Chinese actors (well I know their faces, but not their names) so my sister and I were mainly looking for Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee. :P The scenery was amazing! It was so beautiful, and I felt like I was staring at the center of HK with all those lights! Ya, I don't have much to say about this place, so I'll show you guys some pictures. :)

Grandma&I :)

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