Sunday, November 14, 2010

 I did some shopping last night and it turns out to be a tight haul! lol I went to H&M, in a spending mood and bought a pair of light tan tights for $17.95, for me that's alot! An un-expected purchase on my part. :P Also I went to Old Navy and bought two more pairs of tights, white and navy blue for only $4 each! But sadly that's all I bought, I think I bought more food than anything else during my shopping trip. -.-
I'm in love with the pair I bought at H&M. I'm already wearing it at this current moment!

 Finally my tights collection has some color! I serisouly own too many black pairs of tight, unless you search deeper into the box, I have like a stripped, poke-a-dot and purple tight. D:


  1. I love the pair you got from H&M! It has great texture and looks so cozy. ^_^ What a great idea - rolling your tights into shoe boxes. I should do that! Thanks : )

    xx The Little Dust Princess

  2. oh love em! i've been looking for cheap knit tights, i shall check out old navy. thanks ;D

  3. @Little Dust Princess: Indeed, they are absolutely comfortable and cozy! :)
    Lol, I need as much space as I can in my room, since I have so many things!

    @eLusive: Aha! Thanks :)
    Yes, you should definitely cheap out Old Navy, they always have great sales!
