Saturday, February 19, 2011


Sorry for not updating this week! My next post will explain my absences ):
Here are some pictures of my Valentine's Day outfit!
I went out for a Key Club dinner, which was hosted by my school that day :) So instead of staying home and being a loser I ate and had fun with friends!

What did you do for Valentines Day or Singles Awareness Day?
Excuse my depressing face! The flower bouquet is actually from my moms wedding! 

I made cupcakes for my school's bake sale! :)


  1. Cute outfit! I wish I could brave the cold weather like that. I used to buy bags and bags of candy to give out on Valentine's Day, which was fine until I got to High School. Our middle school was small, so I was able to give something to pretty much everyone.

  2. Really cute : ) Such a romantic look!

    xx The Little Dust Princess

  3. @Kaiami: Aha! Thanks :) I'm so use to the cold weather now, my legs are never cold anymore! It takes practice ;) aka wearing tights all year round

    @Little Dust Princess:
    Thank you :)
