Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I went shopping last week and ended up buying the most stuff all the stuff at Forever21! 
Enjoy! I'll try my best to price everything correctly. This was also a week ago. o A o 

 Cute little socks with birds on it (that reminds me of the Twitter bird) - .95 cents!

 I know I already have a similar belt in brown, but I couldn't resist getting another one!
$4 USD

 Suedette Ankle Shoes - $25 USD (?)
I'm in love with this pair of shoes! I normally don't buy shoes and just wear my mom's but I just had to get them! Probably the third pair of shoes that I own all to myself? Aha

 I thought this tote bag was kinda cute. My group of friends and I are doing secret santa, so I just bought this for my friend! I hope she likes it! 
$6 USD

 Forever21 X Mini Muse collection!
Such an adorable collection, I just had to buy this cardigan! I love how baggy it fits on me, and it's just so comfy! Plus, the words written in Japanese that makes the face of Mini, adorable!

This is the outfit that I wore to go shopping that day!


  1. omigosh you have a Meowth plushie! Pokemon<3

    Great purchases! I like your belt :D

    xx The Little Dust Princess

  2. Hehe, i love my Pokemon plushies :P
    &Thank you!

  3. i like all that you bought! haha :D

  4. You totally scored at Forever 21, love it all and it looks great on you!

    Maryjane xoxo
