Thursday, October 14, 2010

GuangZhou Zoo

While I was in TaiShan, my dad decided that taking tours would be the easiest way to go to other places outside of TaiShan since his friend didn't have time to drive us everywhere. For our first tour we all decided to go to the GuangZhou zoo. I went with my uncle, sister and dad. The drive from TaiShan to Guangzhou was around 2 hours and we had to meet at the bus station at 6 a.m. (thus my tried look) which is soo early considering my sister and I always go to bed at 3 a.m.! D: Our tour girl told us we had a total of five hours to whatever we wanted in the zoo, I though that wouldn't been enough time. Turns out, I wanted to leave earlier!
Once we entered everyone started making their way into the Sea show, it was a smart idea for us not to go yet because of the large lines and there was a show later on. We started with a building with aquarium and that took... not alot of time.
&Excuse my silly black socks. I guess that's what I get for not buying any socks while I was there -.-


After we got out of the building we wandered around the whole zoo. It was seriously one of the hottest days and just walking around we not fun. All the animals were hiding and sleeping because of the summer heat and there was not much to see. But we did see panda's but I felt so bad for them. All they had were mist spraying at them to keep them cool. It kinda sucks when you compare them to the ones at Ocean Park (Hong Kong), now those big guys had a whole building to themselves, lots of food, water and most importantly full blasting AC! Everyone was sweating loads and we didn't want to walk anymore so we paid to sit in a cart instead and have someone tour us around. That's when I started becoming annoying and protested and asked about why the animals were all skinny. Apparently the Chinese government owns the park and there is not enough money to give a good supply of food for the animals. :/
Seriously, look how skinny the tiger is! o A o

Lastly we finally went to the sea show, it was entertaining and I could tell the animals were well trained. The only animals that really get the good portion of food were the marines creatures since they are pretty much the attractions of the zoo. I have seen sea shows before and to be honest they're all so similar.
All that took three hours and we spent the last two sitting on benches waiting for everyone else from the tour group to come back. On the bus ride home everyone complained about how crappy the zoo was. XD

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